Saturday, January 10, 2015


1.      There are many ethical issues about which people hold very strong opinions-abortion, gun
Control, and the death penalty, to name a few. If you were a team member on a project with someone whom you knew hold an opinion different from yours on one of these issues, would it affect your ability to work effectively with this person? Why or why not?

Of course not, why would it affect my ability to work with him? Its his own opinion and I have nothing to do with it. Everyone of us has the right to express our opinion and no matter what the opinion is of that person, we just have to listen to it because we have our own opinion too about ethical issues and any other issues. Let us just be open minded and accept the opinion of others.

2.      Identify two important life experiences that helped you define your own personal code of ethics.
As a student and a person, I should have my own personal code of ethics. My personal code of ethics will define of what kind of person I am. My experience as the eldest in the family is that I should be responsible in every action I do and every decision I make. Second, is to be a scholar that should focus on studies. My personal codes of ethics let me and were able to help me become a good person and a student. Someone my parents and colleagues will be proud of.

3.      Do you think that the importance of ethical behavior in business is increasing or decreasing? Defend your position.
I think that the importance of ethical behavior in business is increasing because everyone of us can be tempted to do unethical things that is not right and good for the business and this shows that it is important to apply the ethical behavior in the business.

4.      Do you believe that an organization should be able to escape criminal liability for the acts of its employees if it has acted as a responsible corporate citizen, making strong efforts to prevent and detect misconduct in the workplace? Why or why not?
I believe that an organization should be able to escape criminal liability for the acts of its employees, its up to them if they will hide it or escape from it but I also believe that they should be honest as well. Honesty is still the best policy.

5.      Is it possible for an employee to be successful in the workplace without acting ethically?
Yes, it is possible. I believe that those who are successful today, once in their lives they had acted unethically but I don’t generalize them, maybe some. Nowadays, it’s the wise thinker who will succeed and part of it is lying, cheating and stealing which is unethical. But those who have the guts, then they can do those what mentioned.

6.      Should software piracy within the boundaries of third-world countries be tolerated to allow those countries an opportunity to move into the information age?
Yes, it would be a big help to other countries if software piracy will be tolerated. It is very unethical but it will help the other countries like ours the Philippines. In fact, even though software piracy is not allowed, still it is very rampant in every country. And the better solution to this is to be tolerated and allowed within the boundaries of third-world countries.

7.      Is ethics training really just a waste of time that will not change the behavior of employees?
Maybe or maybe not. We cant say that it is a waste of time because there are people who really needs an ethic training because they don’t know anything about the ethical behaviors and all they believe is that they are professional it doesn’t matter if they act ethically or not. But for me, you can only be called professional if you act ethically and you have your own beliefs in your personal code of ethics. Once you are an open minded  person, you will have the initiative to act ethical behaviors even without the ethics training.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Why there is no licensure Exam for an IT Professional?

Is it really important to every profession to have a licensure exam? I believe that every professional needs a license. So that those professional would be able to prove that they are good or they know everything about their field. But how about those IT professionals who don’t have any license and don’t have a licensure exam either? Anyway, in my own opinion IT professionals don’t need one because their field is not that complicated compared to others. I am not saying that it is easy to be an IT professional, to be one is all you need is skills, patience, and an open mind. Everything in Information Technology can be learned though Technology itself.
IT is a broad field compared to those professions that has licensure exams. For example, the LET it focuses on teaching or for education , Doctors for medicine, Lawyers for Laws and a lot of professions to mention to. Their field focuses on one goal while IT has a lot of subfields to chose. They can chose whatever forte they like or thier skills will lead them. IT professionals studies the general informations about Information Technology. Technology nowadays is fast changing. Today, there are a lot of things IT people has developed, but that don't end there because sooner or later there are changes that will going to happen. Technology changes every now and then. Being an IT professional, you should master every single detail in you field. Having no licensure exam has also its advantage, like when your client complains your work they have nothing to take from you and you can still do your work to other clients. All you have to do is be honest and apply the ethical things as a professional. When you’re done with the IT course, you will not be pressured to pass board exam because we have none. We just have to adopt every changing of the trends in the technology. IT has a lot to offer, it’s up to you where you want to excel most. When you say IT professional, it is very broad compared to those who has licensure exams like for Teachers, Engineers, Police, Doctor and etc.

Even though a person is not a graduate of an IT course, he can be an expert of the IT field as long as she is interested with the field and willing to learn and has a vision about the future. You can have certificates like NCII and NCIV if you passed those. You cant have everything in this in world with a blink of an eye or without doing any effort on it. Everything needs to be done with determination and courage. It may have a licensure exam or none, to act and used the ethical values you can consider yourself as a professional. To have a license is important but for us IT people, all we need is the skills and dedication to do our work and license don't matter at all.